21 February 2011

Kingsway School

" Imagine... a South Africa where our vast potential of human capital is optimally developed- where every one of our children will enjoy the benifit of the best education and opportunities we can provide.

... but too many of our children are crammed into poorly lit containers with 60 peers, no desks to sit at and no proper reading or math skills taught to them.

I also have dreams of becoming a pilot, a doctor, and engineer, a teacher one day. But I don't see how this is going to happen where I live.

Now Imagine - a top school like Kingsway Christian School in Randpark that has provided top education opportunities for the past 20 years, willing to relcoate into my community.

Imagine a school like this within walking distance from my shack.

Imagine a safe, caring environment where role models will journey with me from grade R to grade 12.

Imagine a sports field where I can play and learn about being part of a team and develop my skills.

Imagine a community taking hands and building a school where I can fufill my dreams. "

"Kingsway has taught me that it does not matter what kind of background you come from, you have a right to learn." -Gundo

"Kingsway School means everything to me because our teachers teach us how to learn,to respect other people and how to study" -Luthando

"This school makes me be a person" -Veronica

"The school teaches us to praise God and follow the right choices in life." -Anna

IF you can READ this you are
luckier than 70 % of the children in the informal settlement.

Show you are thankful by donating just R5
SMS "school" to (+27) 36012

or following this link to http://www.2022.co.za/
to see opportunities for you to get involved

all text taken from http://www.2022.co.za - photos by trace for Kingsway School

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