02 March 2011

the "someday" list

If you are following us on twitter or friends in facebook land, you've seen me post little updates on where I am in my piano adventure. I've always wanted to play the piano. When Billy and I were dating - yes, even way back then - it was one of the things on my teenage version of my "someday" list.

climb a mountain
record a song
hike across Europe
go on a safari in Africa
play the piano
write a children's book
run a marathon

my "someday" list has ebbed and flowed as the years have progressed... oftentimes dreaming of a bit of the impossible along with the more realistic. Oftentimes my life circumstances makes the once realistic seem like it will be the impossible. Adopt a set of brothers seems like it's far from reach, and I have no desire to skydive anymore. But out of the 7 I remember from my highschool years, I've actually lived into 3. I'll let you guess which ones.

This year, with a refocus of my time, I decided to splurge and give myself permission to focus on a couple of those things that are on my current "someday" list. learning a language is one I'm stumbling through... running has been resurrected (although my goal is a 10K, not a marathon)... learning how to make a video is at least getting attention.... and playing the piano. It's actually been the one I've had the most fun with. And the one I'm most proud of. I think because it's been a dream of mine for so long. Now, keep in mind, I have less than 7 weeks worth of self-taught lessons under these fingers. But when you have that in your mind, I think you'll celebrate with me - because I'm doing it. I'm really doing it.

What's on your "someday" list?
The impossible one..... the embarrassing one.... the one that maybe, just maybe, you can find space to take a step closer to figuring out and we can all celebrate together?
Let's cheer each other on.



  1. I really want to learn to play guitar. I have small hands and the last time I tried was on a regular sized guitar and I just couldn't even hold down the strings!

  2. Hey jonna- that's a great someday! i brought mine here thinking I would too... but still it sits. now I'm trying to get my youngest to get serious about it. If the acoustic strings are too much maybe you could try a classical guitar - the strings are different... softer. I used to have one... when the kids were little... until one of them jumped off the couch, onto the guitar. End of that story.

  3. Great job Tracie! It sounds lovely. Keep up the good work

  4. Thank you very much Tender. I'm on page 73 now. Hard work for uncoordinated fingers. I'm loving it.

  5. I love your list. Mine is getting done slowly:

    See a Broadway play
    Visit Italy
    Go on a cruise
    Visit England
    Get a college degree
    Ride in a limousine (no longer on my list- not interested)


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