05 March 2009

Athletics Day - GoLang

This week, a local church hosted a Field day for the 250 kids that attend the GoLang program at Emthonjeni. From 8-2 the kids competed in athletic compititions, played on inflatable bounce houses, colored and gorged themselves on pancakes and cool-drinks (Cokes) and South African curry-chilli. We were only able to come for the last hour of the day... and immediately were sad to have missed out on so much fun. These guys got spoiled... and were given a positive day filled with encouragement and pride. Even the momma's and go-go's (grandma's) were in the spirit, competing and wearing their medals eagerly. Days like this balance out the hard ones. And there are plenty of hard ones here. Keep praying... we love you.


  1. Gogo's, fizzy cool drinks, and the beautiful spirit. I miss South Africa.

  2. it certainly calls you... doesn't it? I'm finding I can never be mad at South Africa for long...


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